The DMNA Annual Meeting took place on Monday night, October 15, at Open Book. Elections to the Board of Directors were held. Two incumbent board members were re-elected; Tomek Rajtar and Joey Senkyr. In addition, Max Erickson was elected to the third open seat. All of the newly elected board members will serve three-year terms.
In addition to the elections, the annual meeting included a presentation by Board Chair Joe Tamburino on the past year’s accomplishments; a Treasurer’s Report by Dianne Walsh; a Land Use Committee Report by Kevin Frazell; and Outreach and Engagement Reports by Dianne Walsh, Kevin Frazell and Pam McCrea.
Thank you to the elected officials that came to the meeting and provided updates:
- Ward 3 Council Member Steve Fletcher
- District 59 MN State Senator Bobby Joe Champion
- District 4 Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin
Finally, as part of the DMNA’s ongoing outreach and engagement efforts, DMNA Board Chair Joe Tamburino invited attendees to identify what the believe should be the organizations top priorities in the coming year. All of the attendees were asked to rank the importance of the following areas: Affordable Housing; Land Use; Safety & Security; and Transit and Traffic. The four priorities were identified through the 2018 Outreach and Engagement Survey and through outreach meetings at several downtown residential buildings. The priorities were ranked in the following order of importance:
- Safety & Security
- Land Use
- Affordable Housing
- Transit and Traffic
A big thank you goes out to Downtown East resident and owner of Zenmation Peter Zenner for creating the amazing PowerPoint presentation shown at the meeting. We appreciate his creative talents and his technology help.
Annual Meeting Agenda
Annual Meeting PowerPoint presentation
2018 Outreach and Engagement Summary PowerPoint
2018 Outreach and Engagement Results PDF