The DMNA Land Use Committee provides an opportunity for Downtown community members and developers to engage in constructive conversations about proposed development projects. Upon request, the DMNA Board of Directors will issue letters of support for projects that it deems of value to the neighborhood. This process can typically be completed within 30 days.
To receive a letter of support, the developer must:
- Contact [email protected] to schedule a date to present to the DMNA Land Use Committee. The committee meets at 6:00 pm on the first Tuesday of the month.
- Complete and submit the DMNA Project Review Form one week prior to your scheduled presentation. Much of this information may be taken directly from your Minneapolis land use applications. Short responses are sufficient and feel free to skip questions that are not relevant to your project.
- Present to the DMNA Land Use Committee. These meeting are intended to provide community members and developers an opportunity to exchange information and feedback in a structured, yet informal environment.
The DMNA Land Use committee will formalize its project feedback through a draft letter of support. This draft letter of support will be reviewed and approved/denied by the DMNA Board of Directors at its monthly meeting (third Monday of the month unless otherwise noted). If approved, the final letter of support will typically be submitted directly to the city planner or license inspector assigned to reviewing the project or application.