East Town (Downtown East/Mill District neighborhood). The event will include brunch bites on the roof of Sherman Associates new offices at the JI Case Building located at 233 Park Ave South, Suite 201. They will offer tours of the building throughout the morning.
Guided tours of Downtown East/Mill District will be limited to 25 people per group and begin at 9:15am and 10:45am. The tour route is approximately 1.5 mi and 75 minutes long. The cost to attend the tour is $20. Register and select your tour time at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/east-town-walking-tour-tickets-718588897737
Stops along the tour are important places to the East Town area in their historical significance, but we will also host business owners who will introduce their spaces. Attendees will discover new and old places alike with new contexts and friends along the way!
Learn more about ourselves and partners below:
East Town Business Partnership