2nd Street Resurfacing Project – Open House Presentation from 03-21-2023
2nd Street Resurfacing Project – Recommended Design
Summary from Minneapolis Public Works:
We did over 20 in-person listening sessions with residents and stakeholders on-site at times that worked for them, talking with well over 150 people. Based on what we heard and continued technical analysis. we revised the design to focus on pedestrian safety. This includes pedestrian safety improvements at 7 of 9 intersections (today there are crosswalks at only 2), reallocating the existing bike lanes to a two-way bikeway to narrow the street by about 25% which will better manage vehicle speeds, adding space to the parking lane adjacent to the bikeway for better loading/unloading and winter maintenance, and including openings in the bikeway curb about every 15 feet to make sure we allow convenient access to the sidewalk. We also made the decision to shift the bikeway from the north side to the south side. This isn’t perfect, but there are more driveways, residential buildings, and institutional uses on the north side. Also shifting to the south side allows us to address stop sign visibility problems by moving them into the median, and it creates a safer connection to the Bluff Street trail on 13th Ave.
More information is available on the Project Website: minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/2nd-st-resurfacing/