Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day by taking a pledge to help clean up litter in Minneapolis during Litter Be Gone, October 1-10, 2020.
Help us spread the word and get your neighbors to join in Litter Be Gone, October 1-10, 2020.
Litter Be Gone is a family-friendly activity that can be done safely with social distancing.
It’s easy to participate. Volunteers can pledge to pick up litter on their own streets between Oct. 1 and 10 or choose to work as a team to clean up the whole neighborhood. Participants are encouraged to use their own gloves and garbage bags and share results online to see the community-wide impact. Free cleanup supplies and drink coupons can also be picked up on Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at several supply hub locations.
Thank you,
The Litter Be Gone TeamP.S. Keeping your storm drains clean is another great way to help protect our waterways year-round! Find out more from our co-sponsor Adopt-a-Drain.——-
Litter Be Gone is coordinated by the Alliance for Sustainability in partnership with the City of Minneapolis and its Clean City initiative.
Amy Dritz, Litter Be Gone Coordinator | [email protected]
Sean Gosiewski, Executive Director, Alliance for Sustainability | 612-250-0389 or [email protected]