On 7.25.16 the DMNA Board voted to support Grand Real Estate Advisors’ proposal for 205 Park Ave. Link to letter below.
DMNA Letter of Support – Grand Real Estate Advisors 07-26-16
Project Background
The City of Minneapolis issued a request for development proposals for 205 Park Ave. S., a Minneapolis-owned lot in the Mill District. Two developers submitted applications by the June 10th deadline. City staff are now evaluating the projects and expect to recommend one to City Council for approval sometime in August. The City will then work with the chosen developer to establish the conditions that must be met in order for the City to hand over development rights and ownership. The project will then follow the City land use review process. Additional neighborhood input will be sought at that time.
The DMNA has held three public forums on 205 Park Ave to collect community feedback. City staff and/or representatives from CM Frey’s office were present at each. Results from a survey circulated in December 2015 have also been shared with CM Frey’s office and City staff. CM Frey encourages community members to continue to submit feedback on the two projects directly to his office. ([email protected] )