Minneapolis 2040 went into effect on January 1, 2020, following over two years of engagement with the people of Minneapolis. The plan guides growth and changes with fourteen goals in mind, including eliminating racial disparities, slowing climate change, and increasing access to jobs and housing.
As required by state law, the City is updating its zoning rules to match the development guidelines that the City Council already approved with Minneapolis 2040. Since 2020, the City has worked to meet this requirement by adopting inclusionary zoning, eliminating single-family exclusive zoning, adopting new built form districts and regulations, and eliminating minimum parking requirements. The Land Use Rezoning Study is the next major update to zoning regulations that will create consistency between the zoning code and the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan’s 12 Future Land Use categories will guide the development of new land use regulations, governing issues such as:
- Uses allowed in each zoning district
- Development standards that apply to uses allowed by zoning district (size of individual uses, where retail mixed-use is required, etc.)
- Creation and mapping of new zoning districts to be consistent with the Future Land Use Map in Minneapolis 2040
This amendment also provides the opportunity to make the zoning ordinance easier for users to navigate, and easier for staff to administer. Special attention will be paid to the structure of the ordinance with an eye toward making it a more user-friendly tool.
The City wants your feedback on the proposed changes to the code!