The DMNA Board has requested the transfer of approximately $225,000 from the Affordable Housing Strategy to the Ending Homelessness Strategy within the Housing Section of the DMNA’s Neighborhood Revitalization Program Plan. This transfer requires a community vote, which will take place at the Annual Meeting on 10/28. View the NRP full plan here.
This transfer request is required as result of the DMNA Board’s decision to fund direct service staff for a proposed PPL/YouthLink supportive housing project for youth. PPL has secured funding for housing construction. YouthLink is undergoing a fundraising campaign for supportive housing staff and expansion of their Welcome Center, a resource hub for youth who are experiencing homelessness.
The transfer will also support the board’s commitment to match funding for a St. Stephen’s Street Outreach Worker. The St. Stephen’s Street Outreach team provides the first contact for individuals experiencing homelessness as well as for the community members concerned for them. St. Stephens Street Outreach reduces homelessness Downtown by connecting individuals with the resources they need to secure and maintain stable housing.