Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) looks forward to welcoming students back to in-person learning on Monday, Jan. 31. In order to prepare for the transition, Thursday, Jan. 27 will be a planning day for teachers with students working online after morning check-in (both at home and at school) while Friday, Jan. 28, is a no-school day for students and a record-keeping day for teachers.
Minneapolis Kids, afterschool programming and other temporarily postponed activities will also resume. Transportation continued to operate regularly during online learning, so bus stops and times remain the same for Monday.
MPS is encouraging schools to take the time with students to help everyone get back on track with in-person learning. Integrated within core subjects, teachers may focus on classroom culture, expectations, schedules, classroom norms and student supports.
Individual schools may need to move to online learning in the future. MPS staff continue daily to monitor staff absences and other school data, consulting regularly with our external COVID-19 Regional Support team. Having staff available to operationalize in-person learning is critical to keeping students in person.
At this time, MPS is not declaring thresholds for staffing or any other factors that would definitively move a school to online learning. In the event that temporary online learning is the best option for a school community, we will give students, staff and families at that school as much advance notice as possible, and we encourage students to continue taking devices home every day in the meantime.
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About Minneapolis Public Schools
Minneapolis Public Schools, located in Minnesota’s largest city, is an urban school district with schools in or near every Minneapolis neighborhood. We embrace diversity in our students, staff and programs, working hard to accelerate learning in everything we do. From early childhood education to early college credits and career preparation, MPS promises a safe, welcoming environment in which learners can grow to become confident global citizens. Learn more at https://mpls.k12.mn.us/