The show “Water Elements” is now installed and on view at the Bridgewater Condos. This show is inspired by a water theme with a variety of mediums and styles from photography to landscapes of the North Shore by local artists.
Please mark your calendars for the reception on Thursday, September 12th at 6:00-8:00 pm. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to
[email protected].
Participating Artists:
- Steve Brumbaugh
- Megan Bell Studio
- Lora Fandrey
- Tracy Frizzell
- Annie Irene Hejny
- Katy Noun
- Jeanne Lukas
- Marla Mullanney
- Dan Petrov
- Lisa Roy Photography
- Kimberly Tschida Petters
You can see a virtual tour of the entire exhibit by scanning the QR code.