The DMNA’s Historic Signage Committee is in the process of planning for Phase 2 of its historic signage project. For those of you who are not aware of Phase 1 of the project, please visit the link to the project on the DMNA website and/or the signs on 16 historic buildings in the Mill District. https://www.the
2022 will see approximately 16 additional signs in the DMNA area, starting at Washington Avenue and moving south and west into greater downtown. Each sign requires research into the selected building’s history, construction, businesses, etc., along with locating and acquiring images illustrating that history. Your time is your own; you can research one building or many. The histories are then submitted to the Committee and edited for conformity with other histories; with a shorter narrative written for the signs, and the longer narrative used on the website.
All five members of the 2021 Committee are carrying over to 2022, so you will be joining a dedicated group of individuals interested in the history of downtown Minneapolis.
If you are interested, please e-mail DMNA Executive Director Christie Hantge at [email protected] and provide your contact information. You will then be contacted by Dianne Walsh, Chair of the DMNA Historic Signage Committee.