The DMNA has formed a new working group made up of the Presidents or other representatives of the condo buildings located downtown, especially in the Mill District. The group will work together on any issues of concern to the condo buildings and their residents. Not surprisingly, public safety has emerged as an urgent topic.
At the August 27thmeeting those on the Zoom call shared perspectives on crime in the area, both within their own buildings, in Gold Medal Park, and in other East Downtown public spaces. Common occurrences are garage break ins and thefts, observation of drug dealing on streets and other public areas, and a general late night rowdiness with loud and unsafe driving, along with dangerous use of rental scooters and bicycles.
Minneapolis Ward 3 Councilmember Steve Fletcher joined the call with an update on city actions being taken:
- Redirection of more police patrol time to 2nd Street
- More vigorous enforcement of on-street overnight parking, and towing of cars left for multiple days
- Options for slowing down driving speeds
- Requiring that scooters and bicycles be deactivated at 10:00 p.m. rather than midnight
- Asking police to watch for and enforce the prohibition on motorcycles that have been modified with muffler removal
A representative of the Gold Medal Park Foundation agreed to review with the City the operating agreement to clarify how law enforcement is supposed to be handled in this private park
The HOA group expressed interest in potentially working together to better coordinate and share crime prevention activities in the area. They have asked that 1stPrecinct Inspector Bill Peterson attend the next meeting (October 22) to clarify the MPD response to rising crime in the area.