Board of Directors Meeting


Tuesday, October 15, 1996--6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Minneapolis Public Library-Heritage Hall


Presentation: Phil Handy-MCDA

Phil Handy discussed the South end of Nicollet Mall. He discussed the St. Thomas and Minneapolis Public school proposals that were presented to DMRA at the September Board meeting. He also discussed the Target proposal.

He distributed maps of the different areas. Each area represented Tax Increment Financing areas. The City Council will consider amendments to the South Nicollet Mall Development District and its Tax Increment Financing plan. The Community Development Committee will consider the amendments on November 12 and the full City Council will consider the amendments on November 22.

Called to Order: by Paul Barber (PB).


1. Secretary's Report--Dee Cotten

a. Roll Call:

i. Directors Present: Paul W. Barber (PB), Mike Olson (MO), Dolores Cotten (DC), Andy Hauer (AH), Sandra Meyer (SM), John LaVine (JL), Bob B. Saginaw (BBS).

ii. Excused: Eunice Roo (ER), George Rosenquist (GR).

iii. Absent: Donald Hicks (DH).

iv. Staff: Bill P. Stark

v. Guests: Phil Handy-MCDA; Peter Roos, Pat Scott's office; Roger Thomte, DNRP, Chair.

b. Minutes from the September Board Meeting:

PB asked if there were any changes to the September minutes. The following was suggested: First, that the language on page 2 be changed to read that the League of Women Voters conduct a "forum."

Second, that, under New Business #3, AH's motion be changed to read that the DMRA Board allowed the downtown NRP Steering Committee to hold a one hour community meeting between 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the annual meeting.

Third, that ER motioned to direct staff to seek a senior's center and that this motion passed with GR abstaining.

JL MOVED to approve the September 1996 minutes with changes.

SM SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED.

2. Treasurer's Report--AH None

3. Executive Director's Report--BPS

a. NRP Update

BPS stated that the Steering Committee will hold its next meeting on October 28, at 7:00 p.m. at Rivergate Apartments.

BPS informed the group that the Steering Committee was in the process of planning for the DMRA annual meeting and forming task force categories. It would use the results of the NRP survey to select task force categories. City planning had received the raw data and was in the process of preparing a report about the survey results. These results would be shared at the annual meeting. Bob Miller, from NRP, will speak at the annual meeting.

b. Central City Neighborhood Partnership

The CCNP will meet next month on November 7. BPS also mentioned the controversy regarding Elliott Park. This pertains to Downtown East which is part of the Downtown Neighborhood. Elliott Park wants Downtown East. BPS stated that this was probably an unacceptable proposal for many reasons, for instance, the issues that affect Downtown East and Downtown West are the same. Whereas, issues between Elliott Park and our neighborhood are distinctly different. Also, if a stadium is built in Downtown East, the downtown businesses will attempt to link the stadium with Downtown West. Therefore, it is imperative that the Downtown West, Downtown East and North Loop remain as one cohesive neighborhood.

c. CIP-Adult Entertainment

BPS stated that an article about developing adult entertainment statutes would appear in the newsletter. Also, a request for input from residents would also appear in that article.

d. Newsletter

BPS informed the group that the newsletter is ready for print. He asked for volunteers to help with the mailings to the resident buildings that did not allow hand delivery. He informed DMRA that, presently, no residents from these buildings are helping with the mailings. He also stated that this mailing is expensive for DMRA. Sandra Meyer and Mike Olson volunteered to help with the newsletter.

e. Office Space

By general consensus, the DMRA Board gave BPS "carte blanche" to ask for donated office space and community center space from developers and other entities involved in downtown development.

f. Proposed Target Store

BPS informed the group that Ryan Co. would give a presentation about the Target proposal on Thursday, October 17. The University of St. Thomas and the Minneapolis Public schools would also give a presentation about their respective proposals for new buildings at 10th and Nicollet. The presentations would be held at Heritage Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Old/Continuing Business:

Annual Meeting--PB

The first hour of the annual meeting will be devoted to the NRP material.

The second hour will be devoted to the DMRA election and the speaker Rebecca Yanisch.

Four two-year terms are open and four one-year terms are open. PB asked for recruitment from the Board. He also discussed the process of having a list of members at the door to register them and give them a ballot. Each resident will vote for four positions.

BBS informed the group that Rebecca Yanisch will be the speaker for the election. She will speak between 8:30 and 8:50 depending upon the length of the election.

New Business:

1. Downtown East Issue

AH stated that had talked to Bob Miller and Pat Scott about this issue.

BBS MOVED to keep Downtown East, West and the North Loop as one neighborhood.

JL SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

BPS stated that he would compose a letter as a response to the Elliott Park issue. The letter will include the Board motion and the logic supporting it.

2. NRP--Roger Thomte, DNRP

Roger Thomte informed the Board that he would be presenting NRP to Gethsemane Church.

3. South Nicollet Mall Development--PB

PB discussed the South Nicollet Mall Development situation, including the proposed Target store.

BBS MOVED that DMRA approve the establishment of a Target store in downtown Minneapolis with the provisions that Target provide for community space for DMRA and that DMRA be involved in the process of the design of a Target.

DC SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously. AH was not present.

4. Other New Business None

BBS MOVED for adjournment.

DC SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Submitted by Bill Stark, DMRA, Executive Director

Reviewed by Dee Cotten, Secretary