Board of Directors Meeting


Tuesday, June 18, 1996--7:00 to 9:10 p.m.

RiverWest--Community Room

Called to Order: 7:00 p.m. by Paul Barber (PB).



a. Heritage Landing-Arne Gregory

Arne Gregory discussed the Heritage Landing project, which will consist of two stages of development--

First stage: 400 midrise townhouses/condominiums. This will proceed in 6 phases of development. The units will be owned by its occupants. These townhouses will be enclosed with gates. However, the entire complex will not be enclosed. The Heritage Preservation does not want the complex to be a "gated community." Anyone will be able to walk through the complex but must be admitted into the gated area around each individual building. He also stated that the width of First Street North will be reduced.

Second stage: A luxury condominium or rental hi-rise, which has not been yet developed.

He also discussed the Tension Envelope project, which will consist of 39 units in the warehouse district. This will be completed by December 1996. The name of the new project will be "Oakwood Loft Apartments."

b. TEA Group-Douglas Scott

Douglas Scott represents American Portable Telecom. He informed the group that his role was purely informational and that DMRA was not required to make any decisions about this equipment. He distributed a packet of detailed information about a wireless communication system. This is a 5th generation wireless system that will eventually replace telephone pole based systems. It is a digital system. The new equipment will be located at the Northstar West Tower. The equipment will be mounted on the rooftop and painted to be inconspicuous.


1. Secretary's Report--Dee Cotten

a. Roll Call:

i. Directors Present: Paul W. Barber (PB), Dolores Cotten (DC), Andy Hauer (AH), Bob B. Saginaw (BBS), Sandra Meyer (SM), Eunice Roo (ER), George Rosenquist (GR).

ii. Excused: John LaVine (JL).

iii. Absent: Mike Olson (MO), Donald Hicks (DH).

iv. Staff: Bill P. Stark (BPS).

v. Guests: Frank Brust, Downtown Council; Arne Gregory, Arnold Development; Douglas Scott, TEA Group.

b. Minutes from the March Board Meeting:

DC asked if anyone suggested changes to the May 1996 minutes.

-Page 2 be changed to reflect the entire title of "Central Community Housing Trust."

-Page 6 be changed to reflect that "FB" refers to Frank Brust.

-The minutes should also reflect that the changes were given before a motion to approve the minutes was made.

ER MOVED to approve the May 1996 minutes with the above changes.

DC SECONDED the motion.

The motion and with changes CARRIED unanimously.

Alternate Sandra Meyer is eligible to vote because of an absent Board member.

Sandra Meyer will also be referred to as the "First Alternate" on the DMRA roster.

2. Treasurer's Report--AH

AH distributed copies of the Treasurer's Report.

AH informed the group that DMRA had received $4,425.00 from the MCDA Citizen Participation Funding.

AH wanted to know if he should sign the MCDA papers and complete the projected budget or if he needed further Board input. In the past AH has completed the projected budget.

BS MOVED to submit the same budget categories and allocated amounts that DMRA submitted in 1995.

DC SECONDED the motion.

AH proposed a friendly amendment to make the 5th category more descriptive.

The motion with amendments CARRIED unanimously.

AH MOVED that he be authorized to sign the Citizen Participation funding papers on behalf of DMRA.

ER SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

3. Executive Director's Report--BPS

a. NRP Update

BPS stated that the Steering Committee will hold its third meeting on June 24.

BPS distributed the NRP budget revision form and informed the group that the Steering Committee will be reviewing the revision form.

AH asked if the DMRA Board should consider and officially approve the revised budget. PB noted that the Participation Agreement states that this type of change is a matter for the Steering Committee.

BPS stated that the Steering Committee is in the process of developing a survey for residents, workers and property owners.

PB asked why the Board did not receive Steering Committee minutes in the Board packet. BPS informed the group that the Steering Committee has not officially approved the May Steering Committee minutes yet.

b. Adult Entertainment Impact Study

BPS informed the group that DMRA had a building meeting with the residents of RiverWest about adult entertainment, NNO and NRP. Five persons attended and each had very relevant and insightful comments about the neighborhood.

c. National Night Out(NNO)

BPS informed the Board that the NNO Committee was considering Gateway Park as the NNO site.

BPS noted that the NNO Committee had included a guest sign-up sheet for each of the DMRA Board members. The NNO Committee would like each Board member to promote NNO and invite at least 5 residents to the National Night Out. The sign-up sheets should be returned to a NNO Committee member by the date noted on the sign-up material. This will increase Board involvement and give the NNO Committee an idea about the number of people attending NNO.

SM informed the group that the MCTO might provide free bus service for NNO.

ER informed the group that DMRA could read the trolley for $100.00 for one hour or $300.00 for two hours. We would need the trolley for a minimum of two hours for the noontime parade.

d. Central City Neighborhood Partnership

BPS informed the group that the CCNP meetings were on the first Tuesday of each month. He also stated that he is working on the Arts aspect of the proposal that was discussed at the May Board meeting.

e. DMRA Newsletter

BPS stated that the summer edition of The DOWNTOWNER will be published in July.

4. Twins Stadium--Bob Saginaw

BS informed the group that the Mayor had responded to the DMRA letter about the stadium. The mayor stated that the legislature will probably consider this issue in 1997. BS stated that he might meet with Rebecca Yanisch from MCDA about this issue on July 11; 3:30-4:30. This is a tentative meeting.

Old/Continuing Business:


New Business:

1. Next General Membership Meeting Paul Barber

PB stated that the bylaws specify that DMRA must hold four general membership meetings per year. Therefore, DMRA needed two general membership meetings before the annual meeting. He suggested late summer and fall. He also suggested an election debate, possibly hosting and sponsoring someone else's debate.

2. NNO-Board Participation Dee Cotten

DC wanted the Board members to recruit and inform residents about NNO.

She stressed the importance that Board members complete the NNO sign-up sheets and return them to a NNO Committee member by July 19. The NNO Committee members are marked by an asterisk on the DMRA roster.

3. Other New Business

a. PB noted that MCDA change its architectural salvage plan and that he wanted comments about this. PB will put information in the next Board packet.

b. GR will attend the next Security News meeting on 6/19.

c. Announcements-PB stated that he had the information about the Minneapolis Awards for nominating volunteers. This information will be included in the July Board packet.

DC MOVED for adjournment.

AH SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Submitted by Bill Stark, Executive Director

Reviewed by Dee Cotten, Secretary