Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Minutes from
July 10, 2001 Board of Directors Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, Inc. (DMNA) was held on Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at the Minneapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Room 310, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I.    Call to Order

With a quorum present, Jerrie Hayes, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:04 p.m.  Other board members in attendance included:  Monroe Bell; Larry Calhoun, Vice Chair; Andrew Hauer; Daniel Hunt; Rocco Forte; Mark Moller, Treasurer; Carletta Sweet, Secretary; and Joan Willshire.  Rebecca Hetzler, Glenn Johannesen, and Eric Mitchell were unable to attend.  Nonboard members in attendance included Lisa Goodman, 7th Ward Councilmember; Tom Hoch of the Historic Theatre Group; Kirk Moorehead, Senior Project Manager of CCHT; and Sue Jahn and George Rosenquist, both of the NRP Implementation Committee.

II.  Introduction and Announcements

After introductions, the Chair made the following announcements: 

     The several calls and complaints she has received over the past month regarding downtown traffic congestion and road blockage.  The Chair will follow up with Lisa Goodman regarding these complaints but in the meantime for information related to road blockage resulting from the LRT project, contact the Metropolitan Council’s light rail hotline at 651-284-5020 or visit its website at

     The Center for Neighborhoods’ (CFN) central information hub on the internet to save the NRP (, the purpose for which is to coordinate activities of the Minneapolis neighborhoods for securing additional funding and planning the restructuring of the NRP as a result of recent legislative action.  CFN is also sponsoring the Sixth Annual State of the Neighborhoods Address on Tuesday, July 31st, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Bandana Square Conference Center in St. Paul.

     The 62d Minneapolis Aquatennial Festival from July 13 through 22 featuring the new Aquatennial Village (open on weekends) at Parade Stadium; the Hennepin Block Party on Friday, July 13th; the Torchlight Parade on Wednesday, July 18th; and the riverfront fireworks by the Lock and Dam on Saturday, July 21st.  For more information visit

     Memorandum from the Minneapolis Planning Department regarding the City Council’s adoption of neighborhood boundary change process (Attachment 1).

     The NRP’s recent draft of Conflict of Interest Policy that has been submitted to the NRP Policy Board for adoption.  The period for public commentary is through Friday, August 10th (Attachment 2).

     The Plymouth Congregational Church’s welcome celebration for the Oromos community on Monday, July 30th (Attachment 3).

     Notice of Industry Square Project Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 11th at 4:00 p.m. (Attachment 4).  There will be a discussion with Council Members Campbell and Cherryhomes regarding affordable housing, LRT, parking, the vision for Washington Avenue project, and the Avenue of the Arts.  The next meeting is scheduled for September 12th at 4:00 p.m.

     The Metropolitan Council’s corrected copy of the Livable Communities Demonstration Account Opportunity Grants application (Attachment 5).  The Chair advised that this is a one-to-one matching grant from the Met Council for project development that DMNA applied for last year and was approved for the first phase but not for the second phase.  The deadline for submission to apply for 2001 funds is August 1st.

     Glenn Johannesen’s potential extended absence due to AII’s new accreditation process requiring all presidents to obtain Ph.D.’s within 18 months.  Glenn has indicated to the Chair that he plans to remain active on the board but will need to determine what his schedule will allow going forward.   

III.  Old Business

A.  June Board Meeting Minutes

The Chair asked if there were any amendments, corrections or edits to the contents of the board minutes from June 2001.  There being no objections to the contents, the minutes from June 2001 were adopted by unanimous consent.

B.   Committee Reports

1.  Land Use Committee Report.  Mark advised that he attended a meeting regarding the Northstar Commuter Rail Line wherein preliminary design plans were discussed regarding its terminus station in the Warehouse District (running on existing tracks from St. Cloud and joining with the LRT extended from Fifth Street).  Mark believes that due to the preliminary nature of the project that there’s ample opportunity for community input to influence what happens there.  Mark also mentioned an article he read about a proposed super train between Chicago and Minneapolis and suggested that the station design ought to be multi-model, similar to that found in London’s tube system to make it convenient for commuters to move between the different modes of transportation.

Mark informed the board that he and Monroe attended the public hearing for the
University of St. Thomas’ zoning application held at the City Planning Commission on July 9th and that this hearing was specifically concerning issues related to its parking ramp at 1100 Harmon Place (Attachment 6).  The zoning application was approved.  Mark also indicated that Lisa Goodman believed that the HPC would designate the immediate vicinity as a historic automotive area and that she had received a written agreement from University of St. Thomas officials that the MacPhail Center would remain intact.

Mark then informed the board that the LUC met on Tuesday, July 3rd to discuss the Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project (see Attachment 5 of the July board package material).  Mark proposed to the board “Is this an appropriate project for DMNA to be involved?”  If no, so be it.  If yes, how would DMNA become involved?  Mark suggested to either use NRP funds by making a contribution to the project like any other NRP project to pay for the architectural and engineering portion and let the project proceed; or loan the money to the City and then the City through assessments against property owners along Hennepin Avenue would repay DMNA the loan thereby allowing DMNA to reuse the funds.  Barbara Lichness believes it is an appropriate NRP project and that due to the time constraints DMNA should proceed with this project without knowing all the specific details related thereto while getting its broader plan in place.  Tom Hoch explained that the request for $350,000 from DMNA is to cover the cost of developing construction estimates and establishing assessment levels related to the project.  After questions were entertained the Chair moved and Mark seconded to support the Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project by resolution (Attachment 7).  The motion to adopt said resolution was carried unanimously.  The amount and method of funding the project was postponed to be more fully discussed in the first full-phase planning meeting.

Lastly, Mark informed the board that Ann Calvert of MCDA approached him as to whether DMNA would be interested in partnering with other groups (e.g., Minneapolis Park Board, MCDA Housing Department) on their projects that require additional funding (+/-$30,000) to complete.  Having agreed to do so, Mark will work with these groups to ensure their projects are reviewed in time to be included in the master plan.  

2.  Housing Committee Report.  Mark advised that he has not received any further information from Jackie Cherryhomes’ office regarding the promised methods to ameliorate the traffic congestion in the North Loop Neighborhood.  Mark will follow up with Jackie since these methods were to be employed by June 20001.

3.  Finance Committee Report.  Since DMNA’s bank statements are issued on the 11th of the month, Mark had no balance update and advised that no additional checks were written since the last report but that he’ll forward an update once the statement arrives.  Also Scott Engel has issued another invoice that needs to be paid as well as begin making payments to the Ambassador program.

The Chair advised that two items from the June’s Treasurer’s Report – the Officers and Directors Insurance documentation as well as the follow up documentation for Citizens Participation – have been completed and submitted.

The Chair stated that she was contacted by Dee Cotten requesting a $100 reimbursement for last year’s donation by Rivergate Apartments’ management for National Night Out.  Dee was advised by the Chair that she would need to submit a copy of the cancelled check in order to receive reimbursement.  Further regarding National Night Out, Mark advised that in a conversation he had with Dee regarding a cash donation from last year for which she never received reimbursement, he would follow up with the bank to substantiate said deposit.  And regarding this year’s National Night Out, Mark advised Dee that he would submit a donation on behalf of DMNA once an appropriate budget is submitted by her.  Mark again requested of Sue Jahn at the instant meeting to ask Dee for the appropriate documentation in order to issue a check for the event.

4.  Public Relations Committee ReportCarletta advised the board that the logo was being updated to reflect the changes the board requested.

To accommodate Lisa’s recent arrival, the agenda was interrupted to allow her to make the following announcements:

     Her support of the Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project.

     Her excitement about DMNA’s support and involvement in the Lamoreaux Project, one of the best affordable housing projects she considers going on in the City right now. 

     The Historic Preservation Commission’s denial of all demolition permits for the St. Thomas’ law school project.  You can expect they will go before the City Council on appeal.  However HPC did approve demolition of the building St. Thomas currently owns and uses for its night school.  Lisa mentioned that when she left the HPC meeting held that evening there was a big debate going on about the Milner (?) Garage/Opening Night site (the property believed to need demolition first since that is where the parking ramp is proposed to be built) because that is the property HPC members felt most strongly about from a historic preservation angle.  Lisa indicated that her role is different from that of a HPC member, that is, to work with the neighborhood and St. Thomas to come to some consensus over key design and use elements for the project.  According to Lisa these design elements would include no additional surface parking that currently exists but enhanced greenery, a parking ramp with 600 spaces (300 available to the public) with brick detailing and 6,000 sq.ft. of retail space on the main floor, adherence to the height limit, and will be called the Milner Garage.  Lisa also mentioned that CLPC went on record as vehemently opposing demolition of any of the buildings.

     Responding to the Chair’s inquiry about who to contact regarding downtown traffic congestion, Lisa advised that as of August 1st charges to developers for the use of public right-of-ways will be implemented and that all construction projects must be off the public right-of-ways including drive lanes, parking lanes, and sidewalks.  Developers will also be required to place a covered sidewalk/bike lane for any removal of same.  For information regarding site-specific congestion, Lisa advised visiting the City’s website which lists all press releases and media advisories.  Since state law dictates that the City of Minneapolis cannot tell utility companies when and where they can conduct maintenance work as long as it is conducted within the right of use and time (usually 7 working days) allowance, penalty fees under the lane usage oversight ordinance are only inflicted against a utility company if it exceeds the allocated amount of time to conduct a specific maintenance job.

     Turning to the issue of NRP funding, Lisa advised that the funds are in place for Phase 1 but that under the current tax structure there will not be enough funds to pay for Phase 2.  The City is committed to doing NRP in some fashion or form, the question is where will the funds come from to pay for it.  In addition to NRP not being funded, the MCDA won’t be funded, so according to Lisa this is a question of community development priorities across the board (i.e., commercial corridor development, affordable housing, brown field reclamation, historic preservation) that will require a balance between all the community development activities the City is doing not just ones funded through NRP.  This will give the City an opportunity to reevaluate what’s been going well and what hasn’t been going well.

     Lisa advised that the legislature is in charge of redistricting and that the City’s charter dictates that redistricting must be implemented within 60 days of when the legislature had done so.  Since the legislature hasn’t acted, redistricting will now go through the court system and probably would be resolved by the end of the calendar year.  Lisa believes that we won’t see significant boundary changes from what currently exists.

     Lastly, Lisa advised that the money for the Kiosk project passed through City Council and will soon be implemented.

Continuing with the Committee Reports: 

5.  Ad hoc Employment Committee Report.  The Chair advised that although the ad had been submitted it had not run in the latest issue of NRP Link.

6.  Implementation Committee Report.  Kirk Moorhead advised that he had come before the IC several weeks ago to discuss the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund (a $16 million NRP set aside established by the City of Minneapolis) and the Lamoreaux expansion as well as reintroduce what CCHT is and does since it hadn’t done any downtown development in a number of years (Attachment 8).  After entertaining questions, Andy moved and Monroe seconded for DMNA sponsor an application for $400,000 of AHRF for the Lamoreaux addition.  The motion was carried unanimously.

IV. New Business

Sue Jahn updated the board on the progress she has made in organizing National Night Out on Tuesday, August 7th and requested DMNA sponsorship.  The Chair explained that due to DMNA’s filing status (i.e., an organization not licensed to solicit for donations) prevents it from tendering thank you letters for donations received in amounts that exceed $500 a year.  For that reason and because this event was not budgeted in First Step is why DMNA has not officially sponsored National Night Out.  However the Treasurer advised that the board could decide to disseminate funds for the event from Citizens Participation and/or NRP funds that wouldn’t go for food or beverages.  The Chair reiterated that the board had approved support of the event and had requested a budget.  Thereafter the Chair moved and Mark seconded to donate $400 out of DMNA’s Citizens Participation fund to National Night Out contingent upon receiving a budget by the end of this week substantiating those charges.  Andy friendly amended the motion by indicating that receipts must back up all disbursements.  The motion as amended was carried unanimously.

Chief Rocco advised that since the police buyback program is down to $17,000 and would be soon exhausted, proposed to allocate another $100,000 from Phase 1 and to obtain monthly as stipulated in Sharon Lubinski’s memo (Attachment 9).  The Chair then moved and Rocco seconded to immediately allocate $25,000 from Phase 1 funds for the police buyback program.  The motion was carried unanimously.

V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Signed and approved by

______________________________                                    ______________________________
Chair                                                                                       Secretary

Attachment 1

[Memorandum from Minneapolis Planning Department dated June 21, 2001]

Attachment 2

[Cover letter from Robert D. Miller dated June 20, 2001 with attached draft of NRP Conflict of Interest Policy]

Attachment 3

[Invitation from Plymouth Congregational Church to welcome members of the Oromo community]

Attachment 4

[Notice of Industry Square Project Committee meeting]

Attachment 5

[Livable Communities Demonstration Account Opportunity Grants application]

Attachment 6

[Notice of a Zoning Application]

Attachment 7

Resolution in Support of the
Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project

WHEREAS the Historic Theatre Group has developed a Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project to create a pedestrian-friendly, uniformly-themed urban street from Fifth Street to Tenth Street along Hennepin Avenue that will:  encourage pedestrian traffic both during the day and night; spur additional private investment in existing building facades; be affordable to area businesses; and help define the area as the Hennepin Theatre District.

WHEREAS the Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project requires front-end costs to complete the architectural/engineering-related work necessary to establish the special assessment levels against benefited properties.

WHEREAS the Historic Theatre Group has requested $350,000 from DMNA to cover said front-end costs.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the DMNA supports the Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project and believes that it is an appropriate use of DMNA’s NRP funds in that it promotes the attractiveness of the downtown neighborhood for downtown residents, employees, business and property owners as well as visitors, and because it will serve to visually and physically unify a historically and culturally important part of the downtown neighborhood.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amount and method of funding said Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Project shall be determined at a later date when DMNA has completed its full-phase plan.

Attachment 8

[Who is CCHT and Proposal to DMNA]

Attachment 9

[Memo from Inspector Sharon Lubinski dated June 6, 2001]