Minutes from
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, Inc. (DMNA)
was held on
With a quorum present, Jerrie Hayes,
Chair, convened the meeting at
After introductions, the Chair made the following announcements:
The upcoming public meetings hosted by Council member Lisa Goodman
regarding the Nicollet Mall LRT station. The first to be held on
On The Agenda dated
¶ The next meeting of the Minneapolis River Forum on Wednesday, June 20, 2001, 4:00‑6:00 p.m. at the MCDA Crown Roller Mill, 105 5th Avenue South, Second Floor, Conference Room 3 (Attachment 2).
The June 2001 NRP Link containing Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization
Program news (Attachment 3a). The Chair indicated she would follow up with
Barbara Lichness to ensure DMNA’s
employment ad would be posted in the next publication.
A memo from Robert D. Miller dated
The May 2001 NRP Clips, a monthly summary of media coverage of the Minneapolis
Neighborhood Revitalization Program (Attachment 3c).
A. Board Meeting Minutes
The Chair asked if there were any objections or issues to the contents of the board minutes from December 2000 to May 2001. Glenn requested that the spelling of his name be changed from Johannensen to Johannesen wherever it appears, and Mark requested the inclusion of all attachments as referred to in each month’s minutes. There being no objections to the contents, all minutes from December 2000 to May 2001 were adopted by unanimous consent.
B. Committee Reports
1. Land Use Committee Report. After Mark distributed
the June 2001 LUC report (Attachment 4), he advised the board that on June 5,
2001 the committee met to review the following projects:
a. CSM’s proposal for Parcel C (adjacent
to the Milwaukee Depot) to comprise: a 5-story office/retail building facing
Washington Avenue South to house the headquarters of CSM Corporation and ESG
Architects; a 4-story building facing Portland Avenue South to house the MacPhail Center for the Arts; 38 units of ownership housing
facing South 2nd Street; and 411 stalls of underground parking. The LUC motion
to approve a Project Analysis Authorization and to grant exclusive development
rights to CSM Corporation for a 6-month period was carried unanimously.
b. The Historic Theatre Group’s request for a loan/grant for its
Hennepin Avenue Streetscape project. The LUC will need to meet with Tom Hoch
at its next meeting to gather more in-depth information in order to ascertain
potential benefits and risks. Thereafter the LUC would be in a position to
make a more informed recommendation to the board at the July meeting (Attachment
c. The University of
d. Downtown
2. Housing Committee Report. Glenn advised the board that he will be attending an early intervention neighborhood meeting and will give a report back to the board.
3. Finance Committee Report. Mark distributed the June 2001 Treasurer’s Report (Attachment 6) comprised of:
a. Audit request letter to Robert Miller of the NRP for fiscal years 1999 and 2000.
b. Proposed budget for Year 27 Citizen
Participation. Mark moved and the Chair seconded to approve said budget for
c. Year 26 Citizen Participation Program’s Community Organization Report
Form. Mark moved and
d. Reimbursement request for
e. Establishment of a receipts journal. Mark advised that this journal
is located at DMNA’s office in the
f. Directors and Officers Insurance status. The Chair advised the
board that the application has been completed and will need to add the most
current Treasurer’s report.
g. DMNA’s checking account status.
h. Letter to NRP for previously approved budget changes.
i. Letter from Andy Hauer
and Mark’s response thereto. After Mark entertained discussion on this matter,
it was agreed to postpone action until Andy was present and could offer an explanation
for his request.
4. Public Relations Committee Report. Carletta showed the new logo designs created by the Arts Institutes International students (previously emailed to the board) and solicited input from the board. Petercat7 design was approved by majority vote with the following changes requested: reduce the size of DMNA and the spelling out hereunder to reveal more of the skyline, sophisticate the design of the streetlamp, and match the font to the previously approved letterhead and business card designs.
Carletta also advised the board that
5. Ad hoc Employment Committee Report. Mark and Jerrie are continuing their pursuit of suitable candidates.
6. Implementation Committee Report. Larry advised
the board that Kurk Moorehead of Central Community
Housing Trust (CCHT) met with him and Rocco to discuss the possibility of DMNA
allocating funds to the
Rocco advised that he met with Sharon Lubinski and
obtained a proposal on the horse patrol, however he is also pursuing proposals
on the foot and bike patrol as well. Rocco added that they’re also putting
together a comprehensive plan so DMNA can ascertain the number of patrolmen
employed, hours and dates occupied, and functions they serve.
Todd Klingel of the Minneapolis Downtown Council came to follow up on the additional $50,000 request made to DMNA for the downtown kiosk program. Todd advised that the MDC originally had $166,000 when combining the 911 telephone with the kiosk and signage program. And for the past 2 years had been stalled in getting the original units purchased until NRP agreed with the vision and allocated the funds. The good news is that technology has changed since then necessitating revising the proposal to incorporate more user-friendly and accessibility design concepts. After Todd distributed a draft rendering of the City Centre kiosk (Attachment 7), one of the six kiosks proposed, he advised that the goal of the program is for a resident, worker or visitor to downtown be able to gain quick access to information and enjoy the experience. The $50,000 allows for the upgraded design features and installation (hopefully before 2001 Holidazzle) of the six kiosks, maintenance costs for which will be incurred by corporate sponsorship. The Vice Chair agreed to follow up with Barbara Lichness to ascertain the necessary steps to turn over the $50,000.
The Chair advised that the other three neighborhoods which DMNA partners on Restorative Justice (i.e., Citizens for a Loring Park Community, Elliot Park Neighborhood Inc., and Stevens Square Community Organization) are helping to sponsor a mayoral candidates forum to talk about issues of crime and safety in the downtown and near core areas and had asked DMNA’s participation. For public relations and housing-related purposes, the Chair responded in the affirmative their request and encouraged board members to spread the word when the forum convenes that is expected to be held in early September.
Sue Jahn advised that she and Dee Cotton are co-chairing
National Night Out 2001 scheduled on
Sue also notified the board that the
Mark asked the board for their interest in a summer social with guests. After entertaining questions and suggestions, it was decided to attend The Art Institutes International Minnesota’s upcoming open house sponsored by Glenn at a date and time to be determined sometime in late August.
The meeting was adjourned at
Signed and approved by
Attachment 1
[On The Agenda dated
Attachment 2
[Notification of Minneapolis River Forum meeting from Ann Calvert
Attachment 3a
[NRP Link]
Attachment 3b
[RFP from Robert D. Miller dated
Attachment 3c
[NRP Clips]
Attachment 4
[June 2001 Land Use Committee Report]
Attachment 5
[Memorandum from Tom Hoch dated
Attachment 6
[June 2001 Treasurer’s Report]
Attachment 7
[Rendering of City Centre kiosk]