Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Minutes from
November 13, 2001
Board of Directors and Annual Meeting

The regularly scheduled and the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, Inc. (DMNA) were held on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at the Minneapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Heritage Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I.    Call to Order of the Board of Directors Meeting

With a quorum present, Jerrie Hayes called the meeting to order at 6:29 p.m.   Other board members in attendance included:  Monroe Bell; Larry Calhoun, Vice Chair; Rocco Forte; Mark Moller, Treasurer; and Carletta Sweet, Secretary.  Board members not in attendance included Andrew Hauer; Rebecca Hetzler; Daniel Hunt; and Joan Willshire

II.  Introduction and Announcements

After introductions, the Chair advised that DMNA is required to submit its elector form to the League of Women Voters by Wednesday, November 21, 2001, appointing a downtown representative for the upcoming NRP elections to be held on November 29, 2001.  Mark moved and Carletta seconded to nominate Monroe Bell.  The motion was carried by majority vote.

III.  Old Business

Committee Reports

1.  Land Use Committee Report.  Mark advised that a LUC meeting was held on Monday, November 5th wherein three projects were reviewed and approved:  new M&I Bank (replacing National City Bank) signage for the Gaviidae building and the conditional use permit required to execute the change; plans for 1022 Hennepin Avenue, the open block between the Orpheum and Hennepin Crossings, wherein more streetside landscaping is proposed in exchange for surface parking space; and plans for the restoration of the Ivy Tower building and surrounding block (see Attachment 1).  Mark moved and Carletta seconded to approve all three projects reviewed by the LUC.  The motion was carried unanimously. 

Mark advised that he had attended earlier in the day as a DMNA representative along with representatives from Stevens Square, CLCC ,, a broad-based discussion regarding the new Central Library and encouraged other board members to attend the upcoming meetings during the Design Kickoff Week (see Attachment 2).

2.  Housing Committee Report.  No HC meeting was held and therefore no report was given.

3.  Finance Committee Report.  Mark distributed and explained his Treasurer’s report that contained a list of informal findings from the audit that is still in progress, and the status of the checking account (see Attachment 3).  Mark then moved and the Chair seconded to approve the purchase of a printer/fax machine for DMNA’s office, such expenditure not to exceed $700.  The motion was carried unanimously.

4.  Public Relations Committee ReportCarletta advised that a PRC was held on October 31st with herself, Paul Barber and Mark Moller to discuss DMNA’s web and email strategy, progress-to-date of the annual meeting mailing, and preparation for the annual meeting.  Some of the outcomes of that meeting included Paul agreeing to continue to manage the website and the establishment of a permanent downtown residential database of approximately 2,800.  In addition, two ads were published in the Skyway News and a banner was purchased that can be used at other events and functions. 

5.  Ad hoc Employment Committee Report.  No AHEC meeting was held and therefore no report was submitted.

6.  Implementation Committee Report.  Larry advised that no meeting was held due to the efforts directed toward completing the Phase 1 Action Plan, and that no further action would be taken until the proposed Phase 1 projects are voted upon.

IV. New Business – Proposed By-Laws Changes

Mark moved and Rocco seconded for a friendly amendment to his proposed amendment to DMNA By-Laws (see Attachment 4) per Article XVII, Section 1 as previously emailed to the board on October 4, 2001, specifically:  Resolved No. 2, Article VI, to include the language “Unless as specified to be completing a former Director’s term of office” and to immediately precede “All Directors shall serve for a term of Two (2) years following their election at the Annual Meeting”.   After the Chair called a question and Monroe seconded, the motion to approve amendment of Articles III, VI and XII to DMNA By-Laws was carried unanimously.

V. Adjournment of Board Meeting

The regularly scheduled board meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Signed and approved by

______________________________                                    ______________________________
Chair                                                                                       Secretary

VI.   Call to Order of the Annual Meeting

With a quorum present, Jerrie Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Other board members in attendance included:  Monroe Bell; Larry Calhoun, Vice Chair; Rocco Forte; Andrew Hauer; Mark Moller, Treasurer; and Carletta Sweet, Secretary.  Nonboard members in attendance included Paul Barber, DMNA webmaster; Dee Cotten, DMNA Restorative Justice representative; Josh Collins and Jennifer Lovaasen, both of LRT (see Attachment 6 for handouts); Janis Hall, Skyway News and Southwest Journal; Sue Jahn and George Rosenquist, both of the NRP Implementation Committee; Natalie Johnson, 5th Ward Councilmember-elect; Phyllis Kahn, State Representative; Barbara Lichness, NRP staff; Peter McLaughlin, Hennepin County Commissioner; and Paul Zerby, 2nd Ward Councilmember-elect.

VII. State of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association Address

After introductions by the Board of Directors and local representatives, the Chair gave an overview of the DMNA, its progress to date, and the challenges it faces going forward, to wit:   Over the past couple of years, DMNA has gone through a process of mending fences and trying to get different constituencies and factions to work together for common solutions to downtown livability, housing, land use and development issues.  Now is the time for the downtown neighborhood to come together and implement the projects and community-oriented events to help it thrive and increase its credibility with local governmental representatives and agencies.  However, besides DMNA board members, active participation by community residents, employees and property owners is negligible.  Therefore, it is essential that interested individuals volunteer to help DMNA implement the projects and activities impacting the downtown neighborhood.

VIII. Presentation of DMNA NRP Phase 1 Action Plan

The Chair explained that DMNA has approximately $1.3 million of NRP funds to spend on its Phase 1 Action Plan and advised that this final plan culminated from a number of downtown neighborhood meetings followed by an open community hearing wherein substantive projects related to crime and safety, affordable housing, project development for businesses were prioritized.  Thereafter Barbara Lichness distributed and presented DMNA’s Phase 1 Action Plan (see Attachment 5).

X. DMNA Board Elections/Vote on DMNA NRP Phase 1 Action Plan

After nominations for the five board vacancies were taken and subsequent casting of ballots, the following individuals were elected to the DMNA Board of Directors for a 2-year term:  Dee Cotten, Andrew Hauer, Tom Hoch, Gerry Spry; and Will Murden for a 1-year term.

With 25 votes in favor and 2 opposed, the DMNA NRP Phase 1 Action Plan as presented was approved.

V. Adjournment of Annual Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Signed and approved by

______________________________                                    ______________________________
Chair                                                                                       Secretary

Attachment 1

[November 2001 Land Use Committee Report]

Attachment 2

[Schedule of New Central Library Design Kickoff Week]

Attachment 3

[November 201 Treasurer’s Report]

Attachment 4

[By-Law Changes]

Attachment 5

[DMNA NRP Phase 1 Action Plan]