Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, October 14, 2003
800 LaSalle Avenue South, Suite 131

I.          Call to Order and Introductions

Tom Hoch, the Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All other board members were in attendance, i.e.:  Dee Cotten; Andrew Hauer; Leslie Hirsch; Mark Moller; Kim Motes, Vice Chair; Gene Nessly, Treasurer; and Carletta Sweet, Secretary.  Nonboard members in attendance included:  David Abel, downtown real estate executive; June Harmon, financial consultant; Sarah McKenzie, Skyway News journalist; Mike Rollin, CCNP Restorative Justice Program; and Paul Zerby, 2nd Ward Councilmember.

II.        CCNP Restorative Justice Program Update

Mike Rollin distributed the neighborhood liaison quarterly report for June-August 2003 and updated the board on its activities.  The downtown neighborhood had 33 of the total 40 cases for that quarter which consisted of consuming in public, loiter with intent to buy/sell narcotics, disorderly conduct/public urination and disorderly conduct/disturbing the peace.  The good news is that CCNP RJ is fully funded which will allow it to move forward with plans to partner with new neighborhoods this winter.

There is an open seat on the CCNP RJ Advisory Team representing the DMNA.  If you are interested in serving for the year 2004, please contact Mike at 612-871-8100.

III.       Consideration of Minutes from September 2003

The minutes from the September 9, 2003 board meeting were approved, as amended (i.e., reflect Mark Moller’s absence, and change “legislature” to “federal government” and “spring” to “fall” in Section VIII, first paragraph), by majority vote with Mark abstaining.

IV.       Financial Report from September 2003

June Harmon distributed and Gene Nessly explained the F2003 Budget vs. Actual as of September 2003, the Profit & Loss YTD Comparison statement for September 2003, and the Wells Fargo check register from September 1-30, 2003.  These financial documents were unanimously received and filed. 

V.        Land Use Committee (LUC) Report

Andy presented the following items that the LUC entertained at its October 7th meeting (see memo from LUC dated October 14, 2003):

·        Upgrade from Class B to Class A liquor license for Le Cirque Rouge de Gus at Urban Wildlife Bar & Grill, 331 Second Avenue North

·        Class A liquor license for Food and Drink, Inc. d/b/a Bar Fly at 711 Hennepin Avenue

·        24-hour message data board on Signs B and F at First Covenant Church, 810 South 7h Street

·        Conduct discussions with Nicollet Island/East Bank Neighborhood Associations on issues facing their and our neighborhoods       

All four items were unanimously approved.

VI.       Q&A with Councilmember Paul Zerby

Paul stated that the Schubert project came through.  He had initially voted against being a fiscal agent for the Schubert and was opposed to coupling it with other projects (i.e., the planetarium, Heritage Park, University Research Park) put forward on the bonding priority list.  The City Council also extended the option for the adjoining property through 2005 for additional development.

Tom explained that the City Council is putting together a study caucus to address the long-term plan for the entire downtown theater district.

Paul advised that the nuisance night court project is not going forward the way he had envisioned.  The City Council encountered a roadblock from the Hennepin County judicial system and is therefore proceeding down the route of administrative adjudication to handle livability offenses.  However, the legality of their doing so is being questioned. 

Paul also advised that he had voted to approve the Downtown East/North Loop master plan.    

VII.     NRP Implementation Committee Update
Affordable Housing Proposed Funding Awards

Kim briefed the board on the three (out of a total of six) projects proposed by DMNA’s Implementation Committee to receive affordable housing funding:

·        St. Anthony Mills (Phase 1) by Brighton Development for $250,000

·        St. Barnabas Apartments by Central Community Housing Trust for $155,000

·        Lamoreaux addition by Central Community Housing Trust for $95,000       

Kim advised that this award, totaling $500,000, would leave $375,000 remaining in DMNA’s affordable housing fund.  All three projects were approved by majority vote with Andy and Carletta abstaining.

Revised NRP Reallocation Proposal

Kim led the board through the changes (as suggested by the NRP attorney’s office) to the NRP reallocation proposal:


·        Under Section 2, Crime and Safety, Strategy 7:  added “the University of St. Thomas Law School”; removed “Night Court” language; and delineated results

·        Under Section 3, Downtown Development:  removed strategy related to providing subsidized parking for small to mid-size theaters as it is considered a business-related expense

·        Under Section 4, Implementation:  added funds for administrative support

Kim advised that a total of $495,000 (of the $515,000 remaining in DMNA’s NRP Phase 1 Plan) was being reallocated under this proposal.  Thereafter the board approved the reallocation proposal by majority vote with Kim abstaining.

VIII.    Other Business
Annual Meeting Arrangements

The Chair advised the board of the following arrangements:

  • Date:  Wednesday, November 19, 2003
  • Time:  7:00-9:00 p.m.
  • Location:  University of St. Thomas Law School, Room MSL 235
  • Agenda:  City Council representatives and other elected officials; state of the neighborhood address by Tom Hoch; councilmember updates; Downtown East/North Loop master plan update by Jack Byers; Hennepin Avenue streetscape update; CCNP Restorative Justice update Gena Gerard; DMNA affordable housing update/review of plan modifications; elections (four board member terms expiring)

Motion for New Chief of Police

Andy distributed and explained his motion in support of selecting Sharon Lubinski as the new Chief of Police for the City of Minneapolis.  After the board voted against the motion by majority vote, a brief discussion was held then Tom and Andy agreed to meet and decide whether to develop a document more reflective of the varying opinions expressed by the board.

XI.       Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Signed this ________ day of ________________________, 2003.

_______________________________                      _______________________________
Chair                                                                            Secretary