Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood
Minutes from Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
DMNA Office
528 Hennepin Avenue, Suite #310, Minneapolis, MN
I. Call to Order and Introductions
Kim Motes, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Other board members in attendance were Andrew Hauer; Tom Hoch; Gene Nessly;
Cynthia Newsom, Treasurer; Scott Parkin, Secretary; Jodi Pfarr; and Carletta
Sweet, Vice Chair.
Board member absent: All were in attendance
Others in attendance included: Luis Caire, Wasabi Fusion Cuisine; Gena
Gerard, RJCA; Lisa Goodman, t7h Ward Councilperson; Kim Malrick, RJCA; Sarah
Phemister, Downtown Journal; Christie Rock, DMNA coordinator; George
Rosenquist, downtown resident; Jim Stanton, Shamrock Development.
II. Consideration of agenda, additions
to agenda
There were no additions
to the January 10, 2006 agenda.
III. Update from Council Member Lisa
Board Chair Kim Motes
welcomed Council Member Lisa Goodman to the DMNA board meeting. Goodman distributed
the City of Minneapolis’ annual report. She commented on the new customer
service / 311 hotline. She stressed the difference between 311 and 911.
She also noted that Minneapolis was highlighted in a recent Boston Globe
article with regards to its efforts to cultivate the arts in downtown.
Goodman mentioned that
the next “Lunch with Lisa” is scheduled for January 25, 2006, at the Tiburòn
Restaurant. The topic is the Hennepin Avenue Theatres. Tom Hoch will be
the guest presenter. She indicated that future topics might include downtown
nightclubs such as the Quest (110 North 5th Street) and Trocaderos (107 3rd
Avenue North).
Goodman updated the board
on the Library/Planetarium project. She indicated that at this point no private
funds have been raised. State funds committed through the 2005 Bonding Bill
cannot be accessed until private funds are secured. Goodman stated that the
Planetarium must raise $16 million. Finally, she commented briefly on the
Guthrie RFP. She said at this point she cannot release any information, but
that the DMNA has representation on the review committee – Carletta Sweet
and Christie Rock.
DMNA board member Scott
Parkin asked Goodman whether there were any plans for a dog park in the downtown
area. Goodman noted that there are dog parks in Loring Park and North Loop,
and that at this point there are not plans to establish a dog park in the
downtown neighborhoods.
IV. Consideration of November 2005
Tom Hoch made a motion to approve the minutes
from the November 15, 2005 board meeting. Vice Chair Carletta Sweet seconded
the motion. Kim Motes called for discussion. The minutes were unanimously
V. Consideration of December 2005
Andy Hauer made a motion to approve the minutes from the December13,
2005 board meeting.
Vice Chair Carletta Sweet seconded the motion. Kim Motes called for discussion.
Scott Parkin indicated that he was elected Secretary as opposed to Treasurer
as the minutes stated. Cynthia Newsom concurred. She stated that she was
elected Treasurer as opposed to Secretary. Sweet noted the corrections.
The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.
VI. Consideration of November / December
2005 Financial Statements
Christie Rock distributed and explained the F2005 Budget vs. Actual as of
December 31, 2005 document, along with the bank register for November 1-30,
2005, and December 1-31, 2005.
Andy Hauer made a motion to receive and file the December 2005
financial statements. Tom Hoch seconded the motion. Kim Motes called for
discussion. The financial statements were unanimously received and filed.
VII. Consideration of FY 2006 Operating Budget
Christie Rock distributed the FY 2006 Operating Budget and responded to questions
regarding specific line items. She specifically highlighted the MWMO grant
and the Restorative Justice expenditure.
Andy Hauer made a motion to approve the FY 2006 Operating Budget.
Carletta Sweet seconded the motion. Kim Motes called for discussion. The
motion to approve the FY 2006 Operating Budget passed unanimously.
VIII. Land Use Committee Update
LUC Chair Andy Hauer reviewed the following projects:
Wasabi Fusion Cuisine. Restaurant representative Luis Caire
gave a report on the new restaurant proposed for 903 Washington Avenue. The
restaurant owners are seeking a Class C liquor license. The restaurant will
be open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. There will be no entertainment.
Jodi Pfarr made a motion
to recommend approval of the Class C liquor license. Tom Hoch seconded the
motion. Kim Motes called for discussion. The motion passed.
Shamrock Development. Jim Stanton gave an updated report
on his project at the Liquor Depot site that included some revisions he made
to the site plan following the December 19, 2005 meeting at Open Book. He
provided the board with display pictures of the project and described the
changes to the façade. The plans include green space. Stanton indicated
that he is continuing to work on creating a more definitive entrance off of
South 10th Street. The only land use application he is seeking from the City
is a variance from a required set back – 23 ft to 15 ft.
Stanton indicated that he has asked Xcel
Energy to bury overhead power lines. He mentioned that Braun Intertec has
done soil sampling on the site. Stanton stated that the MPCA has been notified
regarding the removal of old tanks. He also thought some asbestos abatement
might be necessary. The Liquor Depot is scheduled for demolition at the end
of March 2006.
Board Chair Kim Motes
made a motion to recommend approval of Shamrock Development’s variance request.
Gene Nessly seconded the motion. Motes called for discussion. The motion
passed unanimously.
The Wave – Fuji Ya Redevelopment Site.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation
Board will consider sending the sale of the former Fuji Ya property to district
court for final approval at its February 15, 2006 meeting. This item was
continued from the November 2005 meeting. This item does require a public
There was considerable
DMNA board discussion surrounding this item, specific questions revolved around
whether there was a purchase agreement in place and whether the DMNA board
had recommended approval of this project. Christie Rock indicated that she
would do some research and email her findings out to the board. Rock also
stated that she would put together a notice for the DMNA email list announcing
the date time and agenda items for the February 15, 2006 MPRB meeting.
Guthrie RFP Update. Christie Rock asked DMNA Vice Chair
Carletta Sweet to give an update regarding the Guthrie RFP process. Sweet
indicated that the review committee secured the RFP language in December,
and submitted the RFP at the first part of this month. Responses to the RFP
are due the first week in March. At that point the committee will review
the proposals. Sweet and Rock will continue to update the board on the process
when appropriate.
IX. Crime and Safety Update
CCP/SAFE Civilian Luther
Krueger was not present at the meeting.
Gena Gerard and Kim Malrick from Restorative
Justice Community Action gave a mid-year update on their work. The DMNA provided
a $10,000 grant to RJCA for FY2005-2006. Gerard and Malrick stated that their
work during the first half of the funding cycle focused on three things:
Ensuring meaningful
consequences for offenders
Engaging the
downtown community
systems change.
Gerard and Malrick noted
that the number of cases per month has increased five-fold. They also highlighted
First Precinct success stories. Gerard focused on the systems change program,
which was initiated to address the elimination of nuisance night hearing program.
The program is modeled after the Second Precinct’s livability crime initiative.
During RJCA’s presentation,
there was significant board discussion regarding the nuisance crime in Downtown
Minneapolis, in particular people loitering and panhandling. Board members
expressed concern about the way in which offenders come into contact with
the police. Tom Hoch reiterated the importance of calling 911 when a person
witnesses suspicious activity.
Gerard talked about how
other neighborhoods have addressed crime and safety issues. She noted that
successful neighborhoods have crime and safety committees that meet with police
several times per month. She encouraged the DMNA to contact CCNP regarding
its efforts. Gerard also touched on the City of Philadelphia’s Community
Court program. She talked about how the city has crime sweeps at different
locations several times a year/quarterly.
Tom Hoch suggested it might be necessary and
effective to host a meeting about the problem and invite Mayor Rybek, Chief
McManus, Inspector Allen, and other key people. The DMNA board elected Tom
Hoch chair of the reactivated Crime and Safety Committee. Hoch will work
with Christie Rock to schedule a meeting of this committee.
X. NRP Implementation Update
Skyway Senior Center Update. The Skyway Senior Center has completed
fundraising efforts to raise funds to match a $10,000 grant awarded from the
DMNA in 2005. Board Chair Kim Motes asked Christie Rock whether the Skyway
Senior Center has provided documentation to support the fact that the Senior
Center has raised the appropriate amount of funds. Rock showed the board
the documentation. Rock requested that the board pass a motion to release
DMNA NRP funds for payment to the Skyway Senior Center. Tom Hoch
made a motion to release DMNA NRP funds to the Skyway Senior Center. Carletta
Sweet seconded the motion. Kim Motes called for discussion. The motion passed
unanimously. Rock will contact Michelle Lodahl to let her know the DMNA
NRP funds are available.
NRP Implementation Report. Christie Rock updated the board on
various NRP programs and projects. She provided the board with a spreadsheet,
which outlines how NRP dollars reallocated in November 2003 have been spent.
She gave a brief explanation of the NRP reallocation / plan modification process,
but indicated that she thought it might be best if new board members heard
a presentation from the DMNA’s NRP Specialist Barb Lickness. Rock indicated
she would see whether Barb could attend the February 2006 board meeting to
give a brief workshop on NRP.
XI. Old Business / New Business / Other
Chair Kim Motes suggested
combining the February Land Use Committee meeting and board meeting on February
7, 2006. She asked Christie Rock to poll the board on their availability
later in the month to secure a date for the February meeting.
XII. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Signed this ________ day of ________________________, 2006.