Tom Hoch called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All other board members were in attendance, i.e.: David Abele; Dee Cotten; Andrew Hauer; Kim Motes; Gene Nessly; Jodi Pfarr; and Carletta Sweet. Nonboard members in attendance included: Kris Freeman, City Pages account executive; Lisa Goodman, 7th Ward Councilmember; June Harmon, financial consultant; Sarah McKenzie, Skyway News journalist; and Sarah Schermer, candidate for CCNP’s Restorative Justice Advisory Team.
Lisa announced the following:
· The Public Works Department’s bi-monthly update regarding keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice
· The resumption of her “Lunch with Lisa” at noon on Wednesday, January 28, 2004, now to be held at Tiburòn Caribbean Bistro due to the closure of La Toscana. Guest speaker will be Lee Sheehy, the new CPED Director who will discuss community and economic development projects. Tiburòn is located in the downtown neighborhood of Loring Park at 1201 Harmon Place
· Information on how to recycle holiday trees
· Snow emergency cards
· Recruitment of volunteers to answer phones at City Hall either between 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or between 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. If interested contact Doug Kress at 612-673-3195
During Q&A, Lisa expressed her objection to public funding for a baseball stadium although she approves of the proposed site. She is, however, warmer to the idea of a state-wide or region-wide or county-wide tax, but is vehemently opposed to a downtown only or bar/restaurant only tax to secure such funding.
Lisa further expressed her strong opposition to the mayor’s police chief candidate, William McManus, and expressed her enthusiastic support for the two female candidates, Sharon Lubinski followed by Lucy Gerold. In support of what Lisa considered to be these two overly qualified, community-respected candidates, she quoted the City’s equal employment opportunity policy that states “it is our [City of Minneapolis] mission to provide promotional and hiring opportunities for women, minorities, and people with disabilities…that it is the job of the Minneapolis Mayor and City Council to implement that policy”. For further elaboration on the subject, watch for Lisa’s commentary in the Star Tribune.
The minutes from the November 19, 2003 board and annual meeting were unanimously approved.
June Harmon distributed and Gene Nessly explained the F2003 Budget vs. Actual as of December 2003, the Profit & Loss YTD Comparison statement for December 2003, and the Wells Fargo check register from December 1-31, 2003. These financial documents were unanimously received and filed.
Gene explained the DMNA F2004 budget which was unanimously received and filed. Responding to the question of bank service charges, June will follow up to ascertain whether these charges could be eliminated.
Andy presented a motion to authorize the LUC Chair to write CPED recommending approval of a $227,775 grant for Catholic Charities’ Phase II improvements at its men’s secure waiting shelter located at 1000 Currie Avenue, Minneapolis.
The motion was approved by majority vote with Jodi Pfarr abstaining.
After the Chair opened the floor for nominations, the board voted unanimously to reappoint its current slate of officers: Tom Hoch, Chair; Kim Motes, Vice Chair; Gene Nessly, Treasurer; and Carletta Sweet, Secretary.
Dee advised the board that there are three candidates for the two DMNA positions available on the Restorative Justice Advisory Team: Denise Smieja (who was unavailable but had submitted her questionnaire for Dee to present); Sarah Schermer, a legal assistant in downtown Minneapolis; and Dee Cotten, current Advisory Team member. After Sarah and Dee’s presentations, the board unanimously approved their 1-year term.
Tom reiterated the uses DMNA’s NRP funds were redirected to and approved by the neighborhood at its annual meeting held in November 2003:
· Arts, Culture and Education. $95,000 for renovation and restoration of Minnesota Schubert Performing Arts and Education Center; and $25,000 for the planetarium capital project at the new Minneapolis Public Library. The NRP will handle the paperwork related to these programs so watch for updates.
· Crime and Safety. $40,000 in Year 1, and $20,000 in Year 2 for support of the Skyway Senior Center; $10,000 to work with area businesses and organizations to develop an education and advocacy program to reduce, prevent and/or eliminate public urination (Tom presented recent statistics regarding public urination from a December 31st letter from Mike Rollin, CCNP Restorative Justice Program Community Organization); and $95,000 to work with CCNP and others to initiate a systems change program that addresses the failure of the criminal justice system to deal with “nuisance crime”
· Downtown Development. $115,818 in Year 1, and $45,000 in Year 2 to develop a unified streetscape program for strategic areas of downtown; $20,000 in Year 1, and $15,000 in Year 2 for administrative support to existing and new NRP strategies.
Tom briefed the board on current DMNA committees and active members: Restorative Justice (Tom and Dee); NRP Implementation of “Go Before You Go” (Kim and Andy); and Land Use (Andy and Carletta); then solicited additional participation.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Signed this ________ day of ________________________, 2004.
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