Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Hennepin Center for the Arts
528 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 310, Minneapolis, Minnesota
I. Call to Order and Introductions
Board Vice Chair Carletta Sweet called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Other board members in attendance included Andy Hauer; Tom Hoch; Cynthia Newsom, Treasurer; Scott Parkin, Secretary; and Jodi Pfarr. Board members Kim Motes and Gene Nessly were unable to attend.
Guests in attendance included Michelle Bruch, Downtown Journal; Tom Melchior; Karen Lee Rosar, board member of the North Loop Neighborhood Association and independent candidate for State Representative District 58B; George Rosar; and George Rosenquist.
Staff member Christie Rock also attended the meeting.
II. Consideration of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as presented.
III. Consideration of August 8, 2006 Board Meeting Minutes
Secretary Scott Parkin moved and Treasurer Cynthia Newsom seconded the motion to approve the minutes from the August 8, 2006 board meeting. The motion passed.
IV. Land Use Committee Update
In response to a request from RiverWest residents asking DMNA to rescind its July 21, 2005 support of the Wave project, LUC Chair Andy Hauer advised the board of the statement he entered into the record at the EAW public hearing held on September 6, 2006, i.e., the DMNA approved only the “concept of the Wave” as presented last summer. Thereafter Andy moved to conduct a public hearing to obtain additional community input regarding the project. The public hearing was tentatively set for Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 6:30 p.m. at the Open Book.
V. Crime and Safety Update
Crime and Safety Committee Chair Tom Hoch gave an update regarding the Code of Conduct/Community Expectations project which is now available on the DMNA website. The City Attorney’s Office made only minor changes to the draft previously presented. Tom indicated that the SafeZone collaborative is working on a marketing plan with Carmichael Lynch, and that there could be opportunities for the DMNA to partner with the collaborative to develop a branding campaign. Tom said he would keep the board apprised of next steps.
VI. NRP Implementation Update
The NRP Implementation Committee did not meet in September. A decision was made to delay discussion regarding the dog park proposal until October 2006.
VII. Consideration of September 2006 Financial Statements
Staff person Christie Rock distributed and explained the F2006 Budget vs. Actual as of September 2006. She noted only one check was written in September for professional services, that rent has been paid through October 2006, and that telephone charges are automatically deducted from the DMNA checking account.
Andy Hauer moved and Jodi Pfarr seconded the motion to receive and file the September 2006 financial statements.
VIII. Old Business / New Business / Other Business
Website redesign. Scott Parkin led a discussion regarding improving DMNA’s identity and overhauling its website. A task force was established with Scott as chair. He will work with the current webmaster of DMNA’s site, Paul Barber, who was highly recommended by the board.
Dog grounds fundraiser. Tom Hoch announced the collaboration of the Pantages Theatre and Dog Lovers Night Out™ for a special production of Sylvia on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 8 p.m. This play, which owners can attend with their canine, follows the travails of a middle-aged couple and what happens when the husband brings home a street-smart dog named Sylvia. Five dollars from each ticket purchased will go towards the Minneapolis dog grounds project.
Annual Meeting. The DMNA’s annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
November 14, 2006, 6:30 p.m., at the Mill City Museum. John Crippen from the museum expressed an interest in working with the DMNA this year to host the meeting. The DMNA will not be charged a fee for the use of the facility nor for refreshments, however the DMNA will be required to set-up and tear down the space. The DMNA will also be required to promote the museum through its meeting announcement and advertising in the Downtown Journal.
Staff member Christie Rock indicated that she has secured interim Police Chief Tim Dolan, as well as other members of the First Precinct to speak. Board members were asked if there were other people she should contact and whether the DMNA wanted to focus on crime and safety or development.
There were a number of suggestions for speakers, including Lee Sheehy from CPED, Dan Kenney from the Minnesota Ball Park Authority, and Charleen Zimmer from Access Minneapolis. Ray Harris was also suggested; he could speak about walkable downtowns. Christie indicated that she would contact these individuals to determine their interest and availability.
IX. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Signed this ________ day of ________________________, 2006.