Board of Directors Meeting


Tuesday, April 16, 1996--7:00 to 9:10 p.m.

Symphony Place

Party Room

Called to Order: 7:00 p.m. by Paul Barber (PB).


DH MOVED to send flowers to George and Eunice.

The motion CARRIED.

JL OPPOSED the motion.

NOTE: JL suggested that a card might be more appropriate because public moneys should not be used for personal purposes.

BPS suggested that we take a collection from the DMRA group to pay for some flowers for George and Eunice, rather than using public moneys for this purpose.


1. Secretary's Report--Dee Cotten

a. Roll Call:

i. Directors Present: Paul W. Barber (PB), Bob Saginaw (BS), John LaVine (JL), Dolores Cotten (DC), Andy Hauer (AH), Mike Olson (MO), Donald Hicks (DH).

ii. Excused: Eunice Roo (ER), George Rosenquist (GR).

iii. Absent:

iv. Staff: Bill P. Stark (BPS).

v. Guests: Billy Binder, Council President Cherryhomes' Office; Peter Roos, Council Member Pat Scott's Office; Sandra Meyer, Rivergate Apartments; Luther Krueger, CCP/SAFE, Officer Tom Sawina, Minneapolis Police Department.

b. Minutes from the March Board Meeting:

JL MOVED to approve the March 1996 minutes.

AH SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

2. Treasurer's Report--AH

AH distributed copies of the Treasurer's Report.

AH submitted the request for funds for the Citizens Participation Grant.

3. National Night Out--Luther Krueger, CCP/SAFE and Officer Tom Sawina, Minneapolis Police Department.

Luther asked for a commitment from DMRA to support the National Night Out parade and event.

Tom suggested that Block Clubs do the evening event or one big event. (Note: Downtown Minneapolis does not have Block Clubs). He also suggested 10 or 12 spotlights for the event. Tom will work with the media.

BPS discussed the National Night Out Committee meeting.

The Committee meeting was on Thursday, March 11.

The committee would like to get a flier out in the Downtown Council mailing (March 23). The Downtown Council has no mailing in June.

CCP/SAFE will pay for copying at least 1000 fliers for advertising National Night Out. After the Downtown Council mailing, this will leave about 500 fliers to distribute to buildings and residents. CCP/SAFE may be able to pay for more copying.

Each board member should be promoting National Night Out and the committee will ask each board member to distribute fliers in their building.

DMRA will possibly involve artists that live in the Downtown Loop area.

The location for the evening event has not been selected but it might occur around Second Street at Third Avenue.

AH MOVED that DMRA participate in National Night Out.

DH SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

4. Executive Director's Report--BPS

a. NRP Participation Agreement

BPS discussed the relationship between the Board and Steering Committee with Bob Miller and Alecia Cox. BPS stated that this issue could be addressed under "Old Business."

b. Intern Program

BPS, AH, DC, ER, and Sandra Meyer met with Jay Clark on Thursday, March 11 for questions and information about the intern program.

Four organizer interns are available for the entire Minneapolis area.

c. Adult Entertainment Impact Study

No new information. The committee will set a meeting date soon after Bill meets with Becky Nash from the University of Minnesota.

d. Mpls. Foundation Grant

BPS included the draft letter to Ron Hick in the Board packet.

BPS noted that the "Grant Agreement Letter," which is the controlling document, states that these funds are to be used for staff support for community safety and crime prevention efforts and for related supplies.

BPS commended AH, PB & GR for participating in writing this grant. This is a good example of Board involvement, which can greatly benefit DMRA.

BPS also commended DC, ER, & SM for actively promoting DMRA and recruiting people from Rivergate. Everyone should follow their examples to maximize the success of DMRA's 1996 goals.

BPS informed the group that Ron Hick expressly forbid DMRA to spend money on the Minneapolis Police Department--mounted or beat patrol. So this aspect of the program is definitely terminated. Originally, the grant asked for almost $10k. We received $4k. We do not have money to pay security guards to go to workshops. Also, the grant did not specify any problems with security guards. Therefore, we should first determine resident safety/crime concerns. We can begin this process by establishing block/building clubs at several downtown buildings. BPS also stated that he would like to include National Night Out in the safety and crime strategy.

BS MOVED that the Board approved the letter with the addition of including National Night Out in the safety and crime strategy.

JL SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

e. Community Initiatives Program.

BPS suggested applying for funds from the Community Initiatives Program. However, the program now requires matching funds. Without matching funds (or in kind contributions or resident hours), DMRA cannot apply for the CIP grant.

The grant proposal would generally involve developing and promoting the block/building club model to address specific problems that residents have mentioned, such as safety/crime concerns. Board members could promote this program in their buildings. We would receive credit for the matching funds for each hour to which Board members commit. The Board indicated that it would like to move in the direction of developing a block/building club model in the downtown area.

f. Central City Neighborhood Partnership

PB stated that several times the Neighborhood Partnership has asked him to sign papers of which he had not been kept informed. The Partnership would present him with the option of participating or not participating, so he would sign the papers, which put him in an awkward position.

BPS informed the group about DMRA's relationship with Central City Neighborhood Partnership:

In 1995, the Partnership applied for and received a Pro-Neighborhood Grant. This included money for each of the four neighborhoods and Fax Machines. The Partnership gave DMRA a check for approximately $1,100 to send staff to the Central City Neighborhood Partnership meetings.

DMRA is supposedly participating in a partnership with three surrounding neighborhoods--Stevens Square, Elliott Park, and Loring Park. The Partnership meets on the first Tuesday of the month. DMRA has not attended the meetings regularly or been involved in writing or developing any grants with the Partnership.

Recently, DMRA has apparently signed an agreement where DMRA is a player in a grant with the other three surrounding neighborhoods. The Partnership has applied to the McKnight Foundation for this grant. The grant proposal purports to address safety/crime issues that are related to alternative sentencing, which would include community service for offenders, such as trash clean-up and graffiti removal.

DMRA is at a different stage of development than the other 3 neighborhoods. DMRA is at initial stages of development, whereas the other neighborhoods have developed much resident involvement, equipment support, funding support, other logistical support, and staff.

The 1996 goals of DMRA focus on the internal and logistical development of DMRA and the downtown neighborhood. The goals do not include partnerships with surrounding neighborhoods. DMRA needs to consider if it wants to continue in the partnership or possibly, suspend or put the partnership on hold.

A Copy of the McKnight Foundation Proposal and a copy of the Pro-Neighborhood Grant will be on file.

JL suggested that DMRA might suspend the relationship.

AH MOVED to inform the Partnership that the other three neighborhoods of the Partnership must 1) notify DMRA of meeting times, and 2) inform BPS, AH, DC, and GR of any plans that it has. These four people would then inform the Board of any Partnership plans.

DH SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

g. Cedar Lake Trail Extension to Mississippi River; Design Review. BPS informed the group that Ronda Rae from Minneapolis Public Works; Transportation Division had discussed the project adequately at the last meeting and had no more new information.

h. Newsletter Contest BPS stated that this would be voted on at the next Board meeting.

5. Bicycle Committee Report--DH

DH informed the group that there was no need for a bicycle committee anymore.

Billy Binder spoke about the Bicycle Advisory Committee. He stated that there was a proposal that would be submitted to the public. The meeting would be held on Wednesday, May 1 at City Hall probably in room 319 but call him for the exact room number. This meeting is open to the public. The proposal is necessary because the bicycle rules for downtown have not worked. The proposal suggests banning bicycles on Nicollet Mall from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays. The alternative route would be Marquette Avenue. Billy will send the second draft of the proposal to JL so that DMRA can review the specifics.

He informed the group that the Sports Facility might reopen the stadium issue.

He also stated that DMRA will receive information about a low-rise project at Heritage Landing that would have 420 units in it.

6. Stadium Issue-- BS

BS informed the group that the stadium referendum was not recommended by the legislature. The stadium issue had been resurrected by Carlson. BS wants DMRA to be involved in the planning process if the stadium will be located downtown. BS sent a letter to the Mayor, which he distributed at the meeting.

Old Business:

NRP Participation Agreement--BPS

BS MOVED to insert the first two paragraphs of the proposed addition to the Participation Agreement that BPS wrote into the beginning of the "Relationship" section of the Participation Agreement.

DC SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

JL MOVED to adopt the Participation Agreement.

AH abstained.

The motion CARRIED.

New Business:

1. Election for alternate position

PB explain that this was a 1 year position.

DC MOVED that Board elect Sandra Meyer as the first alternate.

DH SECONDED the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

MO encouraged other Board members to seek residents to fill the other three alternate positions.

2. Board Member Photograph

The photograph will be taken at the next Board meeting.

3. Olympic Torch Route

Peter Roos from Pat Scott's office informed the group about the Olympic torch route and wanted people to cheer the Olympic torch carrier.

BS stated that he would look into organizing an event for the Olympic torch event.

4. Tailgating Ordinance

PB stated that Elliott Park had concerns about the ordinance and asked if the Board had any concerns.

5. Letter from Twins

PB stated that he had received a letter about Metrodome Plaza and its 1996 concert schedule.

6. Milwaukee Depot

DC mentioned that she heard that ice rinks may be considered as a use for Milwaukee depot.

7. Heritage Landing

JL stated that city planning is not including residents in the process and that developers have not approached surrounding property owners about the project.

JL Moved for adjournment.

DC Seconded the motion.

The motion CARRIED unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Submitted by Bill Stark, Executive Director

Reviewed by Dee Cotten, Secretary