Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Minutes from
May 8, 2001 Board of Directors Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, Inc. (DMNA) was held on Tuesday, May 8, 2001 at the Minneapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Room 310, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I.    Call to Order

With a quorum present, Jerrie Hayes, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.  Other board members in attendance included:  Monroe Bell, Larry Calhoun, Vice Chair, Rocco Forte, Andrew Hauer, Daniel Hunt, Glenn Johannesen (who arrived at 7:55 p.m.), Eric Mitchell, Mark Moller, Treasurer, Carletta Sweet, Secretary, and Joan Willshire.  Rebecca Hetzler was unable to attend.  Nonboard members in attendance included Ann Calvert of MCDA; Michael Cronin of Michael Cronin & Associates; Lisa Goodman, 7th Ward Councilmember; William Himmelwright, owner of Premium Quality Coin; Rae MacDonough of Dayton’s Oak Grill Restaurant; Tom McCarver of Eller Media Company; and George Rosenquist of the NRP Implementation Committee.

II.  Introduction and Announcements

After introductions, Lisa made the following announcements: 

     “Lunch with Lisa” is on Spring break for May and June resuming on Wednesday, July 25, 2001, 12 p.m. at the Acadia Café with Representative Margaret Anderson Kelleher giving an update on how the City and City projects have faired within the legislature this past year.

     The $35 million proposal for the Minneapolis Central Library and state-of-the-art, 22nd Century Planetarium.  The Planetarium would be designed as a regional attraction for adults as well as children, with IMAX-quality presentations, a series of displays including one of the Challenger, as well as an interactive holograph machine.  Lisa advised that it would take $11 million to rebuild the Planetarium and that there is no referendum money in the deal for it, and although they’ve received $1 million from Planning they are considering two options for funding:  State bonding; and project fundraising.

     The downtown transit, traffic and transportation issues (i.e., closed sidewalks, parking and traffic lanes due to construction, and increased traffic congestion) on which she’s been working.  Lisa advised that 2 years ago she requested as part of the City’s budget to conduct a “best practices” study and implement a lane-closure fee to alleviate these problems.  The results of the study showed that 13 of the 14 cities surveyed with similar populations charged a fee for lane closures.  This fee is sometimes absorbed into the project cost and at other times used as an incentive not to close sidewalk, parking and traffic lanes during construction.  Exemptions to the proposed lane-closure fee ordinance include when a covered sidewalk is put in place, and if the site only has access on one side.  Lisa indicated that she would be introducing this lane-closure policy as part of an amendment to the right-of way ordinance at the Transportation and Public Works meeting next Thursday.  Thereafter she’ll meet with the utility companies, contractors, and City Public Works crews (some of the worst offenders), then bringing it forth for action on May 24th.  The revenue generated from these fees will be used specifically to hire more traffic control agents to clear intersections during morning and evening rush hours.

III.  Old Business

A.  Board Meeting Minutes

Mark moved and Andy seconded to postpone approval of the minutes from December 2000 to April 2001 until the next regularly scheduled meeting on June 12.  The motion was carried with Monroe abstaining.

B.   Committee Reports

1.  Land Use Committee Report.  Mark passed around for board review a copy of the following:  the Historic Mills District Master Plan dated March 2001 (Attachment 1); Winter 2000-2001, Volume 3, Issue 4 of the Opportunity Builder, a newsletter published by the Minneapolis Consortium of Community Developers (Attachment 2); and the final version of the Development Objectives for North Nicollet Mall dated September 29, 2000 (Attachment 3), all of which he requested the Secretary to include in the next board meeting package.  Thereafter Mark distributed the notes from the LUC meeting held on Tuesday, May 1, 2001 wherein four projects were reviewed and three recommendations put forth (Attachment 4). 

        Motion 1 – After Mike Cronin and Tom McCarver entertained questions, Mark moved and Jerrie seconded to recommend approval.  The motion was carried unanimously.

        Motion 2 – After Ann Calvert entertained questions and distributed materials related thereto (Attachment 5), Mark moved and Carletta seconded to recommend approval.  The motion was carried with Eric abstaining.

        Motion 3 – After Mark entertained questions, the motion was carried unanimously as amended by the Chair in the second sentence to read, “The DMNA board encourages the Red Cross…”

2.  Housing Committee Report.  Since Glenn was unavailable at that time, the Chair advised she would turn over to him information she received concerning a Downtown Council taskforce on crime and safety.  The Chair further advised that the Housing Committee conducted a follow up meeting with 5th Ward Councilmember Jackie Cherryhomes and members of the North Loop neighborhood regarding the traffic investigation Jackie’s office conducted in response to the North Loop residents’ concerns (see Attachment 6 for Glenn’s report of that meeting).

3.  Finance Committee Report.  Mark distributed the May 2001 Treasurer’s Report (Attachment 7) and advised the board that the Request for Reimbursement had been processed and the City would be issuing a check on Friday, May 11, 2001 that he anticipates to be in the amount of $20,000.  After explaining Motion 1 of the Treasurer’s Report and entertaining questions, Mark moved and Eric seconded to approve.  Motion 1 was carried with Dan abstaining. 

After explaining Motion 2 of the Treasurer’s Report and entertaining questions, Mark moved and Monroe seconded to approve.  Motion 2 was carried unanimously.

Addressing the Directors and Officers Coverage (Attachment 8) letter he distributed dated April 17, 2001, Mark solicited volunteers to help gather the relevant materials and Monroe agreed to assist.

Lastly, Mark requested additional volunteers to assist him at DMNA’s office on Saturday, May 19th at 10:00 a.m. for an “audit attack party” (i.e., gather all the necessary financial documents for the next audit).  The Chair emphasized that Bob Miller stated that DMNA must have these documents available no later than June 1st. 

4.  Public Relations Committee ReportCarletta asked the board to review and comment and/or approve the samples of letterhead, business cards, font and logo designs mailed in the instant board package.  After entertaining questions, the board voted for letterhead design No. 3 as amended by Joan to block the board’s name as in letterhead design No. 1 (Attachment 9).  The board then voted and selected business card design No. 4 and font No. 1 Tork.  Due to the “industrial/commercial” nature of the design submitted for the logo, it was decided that Carletta should pursue additional design options from Anjila Kozel of Art Institutes International for review at the next board meeting.

     Carletta also advised the board that the database is up and running, and that Monroe agreed to assist in developing the downtown property owners list in order to schedule the neighborhood focus group meetings.  Dan advised that this list should be available from the City.

5.  Ad hoc Employment Committee Report.  Mark advised that he had received the previous materials from James Grabek and solicited additional volunteers to assist him and the Chair in the continued pursuit of candidates.

6.  Implementation Committee Report.  The Chair advised the board that at the NRP meeting scheduled with Barbara Lichness on Saturday, April 28, at 1:00 p.m., the DMNA NRP budget was reviewed and the various programs were assigned to those in attendance for follow through as follows:

Monroe Bell - Ambassador, the business of which was handled earlier in the instant meeting via Motion 1 of the Treasurer’s Report

Larry Calhoun - Master Plan

Rocco Forte - Crime and Safety (i.e., beat patrol and cell phones), about which he has met with Sharon Lubinski

Andy Hauer - Explore the Warehouse

      Jerrie Hayes - Theater Experience; and Word Mural, the first draft of which is being reviewed by the City Planning Department

Mark Moller - Housing Coordinator

George Rosenquist - Skyway Signage and Kiosk

Carletta Sweet - Marketing, the database of which is up and running

     The chair then advised that the next Implementation Committee is scheduled for Thursday, May 24, 2001, 6:30 p.m. at DMNA’s LaSalle Plaza office.

V. New Business

Mark explained and distributed his North Loop Organization meeting update for board review and approval (Attachment 10).  After lengthy discussion on Mark’s motion, Eric’s amendment thereto to strike the fourth sentence beginning with “Given this growth…” Glenn’s friendly amendment to strike “enthusiastic” from the last sentence, and Mark’s subsequent motion to reinsert the fourth sentence and replace “encourages” with “acknowledges”, the motion to reinsert the fourth sentence and replace “encourages” with “acknowledges” was carried with the Chair and Secretary abstaining.

VI. Adjournment

There being no further business to address, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Signed and approved by

______________________________                                    ______________________________
Chair                                                                                       Secretary

Attachment 1

[Cover letter from Ann Calvert to Historic Mills District stakeholder dated April 27, 2001 and attached 34-page Update to the Historic Mills District Master Plan by Urban Design Associates dated March 2001]

Attachment 2

[Winter 2000-2001, Volume 3, Issue 4 of the Opportunity Builder, a newsletter published by the Minneapolis Consortium of Community Developers]

Attachment 3

[Cover letter from Jack Byers and George Kissinger to Interested Party dated March 9, 2001 and attached final version of the Development Objectives for North Nicollet Mall dated September 29, 2000]

Attachment 4

[May DMNA Land-Use Committee Items]

Attachment 5a

[Guthrie Riverfront Complex Summary and Status Report dated May 1, 2001 with Exhibit A]

Attachment 5b

[Memorandum from Ann Calvert to Community Development Committee regarding Request for City Council Committee Action dated May 7, 2001]

Attachment 6

[Minutes to DMNA-North Loop Traffic meeting dated May 2, 2001]

Attachment 7

[May 2001-Treasurer’s Report from Mark J. Moller; Community Organization Report Form; Contract Budget and Cost Breakdown; Cost Analysis]

Attachment 8

[Insurance & Surety Specialists letter from Nancy Coumoyer to Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood dated April 17, 2001]

Attachment 9

[Letterhead, business card, and font selections]

Attachment 10

[Mark Moller’s Motion regarding the North Loop Organization]