Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Minutes from
October 15, 2001, 2001 Board of Directors Meeting

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, Inc. (DMNA) was held on Monday, October 15, 2001 at DMNA’s office located at 800 South LaSalle, Suite 131, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I.    Call to Order

With a quorum present, Larry Calhoun, Vice Chair, convened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Other board members in attendance included:  Monroe Bell; Rocco Forte; Andrew Hauer; Daniel Hunt; Mark Moller, Treasurer; and Carletta Sweet, Secretary.  Board members not in attendance were Jerrie Hayes, Chair; Rebecca Hetzler; Glenn JohannesenNonboard members in attendance included Margo Ashmore, East Downtown Council; Barbara Lichness, NRP staff; Tom Hoch, Hennepin Avenue Streetscape project; Ruth Kildow, Skyway Senior Center project; Paul Klodt, Klodt & Company; and George Rosenquist, NRP Implementation Committee.

II.  Introduction and Announcements

After introductions, no announcements were made. 

III.  Old Business

Committee Reports

1.  Land Use Committee Report.  Mark advised that a LUC meeting was held on Tuesday, October 2nd and two projects were reviewed:  a revised site plan for Parcel C (due to TIF changes); and the University of St. Thomas’ plan for the MacPhail Center block (see Attachment 1).  Both the motion to approve the revised site plan for Parcel C and the motion to approve the plan for the MacPhail Center block were carried unanimously.

Mark also advised the board of the formation of the Downtown East/North Loop Master Plan Steering Committee to develop a vision and framework for how new growth should occur in the underdeveloped districts of downtown Minneapolis, particularly in those areas that surround proposed rail stations.  Mark will sit on that committee and keep the LUC apprised of its activities.

For informational purposes, Mark advised that given DMNA’s anticipated By-Laws changes and the recent formation of the Warehouse District North Loop Neighborhood Association (WDNLNA), the Multi-Modal Station Area Plan (see Attachment 2) technically falls within WDNLNA’s borders.  

2.  Housing Committee Report.  No HC meeting was held and therefore no report was given.

3.  Finance Committee Report.  Mark distributed and explained his Treasurer’s Report (see Attachment 3).  No action was required of the board.

4.  Public Relations Committee ReportCarletta advised the board of DMNA’s new office phone, and fax/copier machine.  Carletta also advised that she is working with Equity Properties regarding signage guidelines, and developing a postcard with Mark for a mailing to downtown residents notifying them of the November 13th annual meeting. 

5.  Ad hoc Employment Committee Report.  No AHEC meeting was held and therefore no report was submitted.

6.  Implementation Committee Report.  Mark distributed and explained his DMNA NRP funding worksheet to facilitate the discussion regarding the Phase One Master Plan and asked board members to excuse themselves from voting for any project where they may have a potential conflict of interest.  Barbara Lichness clarified that of the original DMNA NRP allocation of $2,033.594, there is a remaining balance from the First Step Plan of $544,000 to be allocated to the projects voted for in Phase One.  Barbara further advised that of that balance $65,500 remains to be contracted (i.e., $5,000 for the marketing program, $35,000 to consolidate or expand existing plans, $19,780 for a implementation coordinator, $5,720 for housing coordinator) or redirected to a specific strategy.  In addition, $193,647.22 from the original NRP allocation has been redirected to WDNLNA leaving a balance of $1,295.46.78.  This amount plus the remaining balance from First Step totals $1,839.946.78 total funds available for the Phase 1 Plan (see Attachment 4).

After discussing the prioritized projects the downtown constituency submitted to DMNA, the board took the following actions:

Voted unanimously to allocate $300,000 to the Hennepin Avenue Streetscape Design project

Voted to allocate $60,000 to the Skyway Senior Center project (Carletta dissented)

Voted to allocate $36,000 to Fire Imaging Equipment (Rocco Forte abstained)

Voted to allocate $901,000 to Affording Housing

Voted to allocate $10,000 to Restorative Justice (Monroe Bell abstained).

IV. New Business

Mark resolved to amend the By-Laws as per his email dated October 4th (see Attachment 5) and entertained discussion on his resolution that is to be ultimately voted upon at the next regularly scheduled board meeting immediately preceding the annual meeting on November 13th.  Rocco moved and Mark seconded to approve the resolution to amend the By-Laws.  The motion was carried unanimously.

In accordance with the current By-Laws, Article VI, Section 7, Removal of a Director, Mark moved and Dan seconded to remove Rebecca Hentzler due to her absence since February 2001.  The motion was carried unanimously.  Mark then moved to remove Eric Mitchell due to his having missed three consecutive meetings; Rocco amended the motion to include “barring any errors regarding his attendance”.  The motion as amended was carried by majority vote with Andy abstaining.  Mark advised that with these two removals plus the resignation of Glenn Johannesen brings the total active board membership to 9 thus requiring 6 board members voting favorably to amend the By-Laws.

V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Signed and approved by

______________________________                                    ______________________________
Vice Chair                                                                              Secretary

Attachment 1

[September/October 2001 Land Use Committee Report]

Attachment 2

[Downtown Minneapolis Multi-Modal Station Area Plan]

Attachment 3

[September/October 2001 Treasurer’s Report dated October 15, 2001]

Attachment 4

[DMNA Financial Allocations]

Attachment 5

[Email from Mark Moller dated October 4, 2001 proposing amendments to By-Laws as per Article XVII, Section 1.]